Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Saint Jude Thaddaeus

There's been some many delays and contradictory stories concerning my son's passport that I felt a need to appeal to the patron saint of lost causes.St. Jude Thaddeus is known as the patron saint of desperate causes. He is believed to be able to intervene in such cases and create miraculous solutions. Novenas (prayer services) are often dedicated and/or directed to St. Jude.The following is a popular prayer to St. Jude:

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ
be adored, glorified, loved,
and preserved throughout the world,
now and forever.
Sacred Heart of Jesus,pray for us.
St. Jude, helper of the helpless,
pray for us.
St. Jude, worker of miracles,
pray for us.


Simple Layout by Village Idiot Savant